Год издания 2018
Размеры 349x298x127
Издательство Taschen
Вид товара Книга
Обложка Твердая обложка
Дата издания 19.07.2018
Количество страниц 1396
Габариты 349x298x127
Вес 8440 гр.
8 588 RUB Gutenberg Bible, The
10 735
-2 147 руб (20%)
в корзину
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When it comes to revolutions in public knowledge, the Gutenberg Bible is up there with the Internet. As the first major Western publication to be printed using movable metal type, this extraordinary technological and artistic feat heralded the age of the printed book. This meticulous reprint, listed in the UNESCO Memory of the World program, reproduces the Gottingen Library edition, the only surviving complete vellum edition worldwide.

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