Teaching grammar with infographics

06 марта 2019 Мероприятия
WebTalk от Марины Морозовой (Киев)
06 марта, 12:00
Длительность 1 час
Статус: завершено
Webtalks — серия вебинаров
Марина Морозова - известный в Европе специалист по подготовке к различным экзаменам, в том числе оценки профессиональных компетенций учителей английского языка как иностранного.

The ability to read and understand infographics is becoming more crucial in the modern world. So, why don't teachers exploit this opportunity in teaching grammar to young learners?This practical webinar deals with the issue of drawing on real contexts for teaching grammar. The participants will get insights into how to use infographics for teaching grammar structures more effectively and how to turn them into meaningful and real-life communicative activities.
Additional focus will be made on getting learners to be more independent and autonomous in their learning and using their imagination and creativity to its fullest capacity.

Marina - Delta, IHCYLT and Celta-certified teacher and teacher trainer. Occasionally presents at Conferences in different countries, which is more a matter of relating, sharing and discovering new horizons together with the colleagues. Marina has been in exam preparation for about 15 years, but currently is developing in two seemingly unrelated domains - YL and EAP. In addition, Marina publicly preaches Lexical Approach and the related concepts and supports learner autonomy and Multiple Intelligences theory. She is truly convinced that teaching is not only a profession but a vibrant and overwhelming lifestyle.

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