Издательство Wayzgoose press
Вид товара Книга
Обложка Твердая обложка
Дата издания 24.10.2018
Количество страниц 100
Спеццена Да
Габариты 208x135x11
Вес 220 гр.
1 500 RUB 50 Ways to Teach Vocabulary
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Vocabulary is the foundation of successful language learning. ESL/EFL learners need to be familiar with a great many words if they want to read, write, listen, or speak with ease.

Research shows that students learn the most easily when they are interested and having fun. Games and activities that engage students will help them create stronger memories and store these memories for longer. This book covers three main areas: Introducing Vocabulary (which includes both whole class and small group/pairwork activities), Reviewing and Remembering Vocabulary (which includes both whole class and small group/pairwork activities), and Assessing Vocabulary Acquisition.

This practical, classroom-tested handbook provides 50 ideas (plus one bonus tip!) for helping your students learn and remember vocabulary. Photos and links to downloadable worksheets are included.