Pearson Learning Studio Novosibirsk

23 марта 2018 Мероприятия
семинар о новом проекте Pearson - Иностранка - НГОНБ
23 марта, 16:00
Длительность 2 часа
Статус: завершено
Место проведения: Новосибирская государственная областная научная библиотека, ул.Советская 6
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Pearson Learning Studio — Inostranka
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23 марта 2018 года
в 10:00

«Новосибирская государственная областная научная библиотека» - ГАУК НСО НГОНБ и издательство Pearson

приглашают преподавателей английского языка на семинар, 

посвящённый старту проекта Pearson LEARNING STUDIO.NOVOSIBIRSK

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в программе семинара - лекции организаторов проекта:

Тема: Blended learning, brick and click, tailored learning

Спикер: Andrzej Boguta, Pearson ELT and Digital Expert

Using technology for learning and teaching foreign languages is now as obvious as using books, but it is by no means easy to decide what to pick to save time and make learning easier and more motivating for the students. If managing homework is a challenge, come to see how technology can share the burden with you. Whatever moment of the teaching process you’re at now, there’s technology to help you make the most of your teaching time! Please join us to take a closer look at newest innovative software which provides constructive feedback to students and creates informed teaching situations for teachers.

Andrzej mini.jpgAndrzej Boguta has been involved in teaching English as a foreign language for the last 21 years, firstly as a teacher, then after 7 years of teaching students of all age groups and levels moved to a publisher – Pearson Longman. Working closely with teachers, organizing seminars and trainings. Especially interested in implementing new technology in teaching English.

Andrzej Boguta является экспертом преподавания английского языка как иностранного уже более 20 лет. В начале своей карьеры, Andrzej Boguta 7 лет преподавал студентам всех возрастов и уровней владения языком, затем присоединился к издательству Longman, которое переросло в международную образовательную корпорацию Pearson. Andrzej Boguta - специалист в области применения новейших технологий в преподавании английского языка.

Тема: Scientific Research Work and Students' Projects in the Process of Studying English with Pearson

Спикер: Zhanna Klyshko, Ph.D., Head of the Linguistic Resource Centre «Pearson Learning Studio» in Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (LFL)

If you want the world to become a better place to live in, interesting research work is for you and your students!
The seminar will explain the role of the teacher as supporting and scaffolding.
During the seminar you will hear about:
-  Scientific Research Work and Students' Projects TODAY;
-  classroom activities undertaken by students that have a communicative outcome;
-  learner autonomy principles;
-  critical thinking as an advantage in using a research method of teaching;
-  learning skills and strategies of development;
-  examples from Pearson courses;
-  Learner autonomy and European Language Portfolio;
-  what students are able to achieve communicatively with the language;
-  Grammar and Vocabulary as the tools for communication.

Zhanna1.jpgZhanna Klyshko has more than 20 years of experience in teaching English at a secondary school in Lubertsy and Moscow.  She successfully passed the Candidate Minimum and in May 2001 defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic connected with Psychological Methods of Teaching English Grammar.  Zhanna took part in the preparation and publication of the textbook "The Tree of English Grammar", and also became the author of the methodical manual for teachers of English.
She has always  been ready to share experience and gave hundreds of master or demo classes  and lectures on methods of teaching English not only in Moscow, but also at many seminars for teachers held in the Russian Academy of  Natural Sciences, as well as participated  in scientific and practical conferences held in different cities and towns in Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States. She also worked as Deputy Director and the head of Foreign Languages Teachers’ Department of School, and in 2008 she started a new career working for the Representative Office of the British publishing company Longman (now the international global educational corporation Pearson) in Russia. For 5 years, Zhanna worked in this company as an ELT consultant for schools. She visited a huge number of different schools and institutions with lectures and seminars. Zhanna's areas of interest are teaching teenagers, scientific work of students of different ages, blended learning, and developing exam preparation strategies at all levels in English. In 2016 Zhanna Klyshko headed the Linguistic Resource Centre «Pearson Learning Studio» in Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (LFL)