Весенние школы британских издательств возвращаются!
На десерт в дни весенних каникул преподаватели английского языка получат большую методическую встречу с методистами издательства Pearson, на которой основным докладчиком будет добрый друг наших учителей, не приезжавший в Сибирь с 2011!!! года, замечательный, харизматичный Rob Dean!

Встреча пройдёт в актовом зале СИУ РАНХиГС, где в далёком 2001 году начиналась наша история весенних школ, только назывались они Longman Spring School в Академии госслужбы)).

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Программа конференции 30 марта в Новосибирске:

12.00     регистрация

12.30 – 13.40 21st Century Skills for 21st Century Success

Gone are the days when the language classroom was nothing but grammar, often delivered in the form of a boring lecture, and followed up with dull gapfill exercises. Modern methodology now places a far greater emphasis on the present – as well as the future - needs of our learners. In this highly practical session we will look at how the ‘four Cs’ - communication and collaboration, creativity and critical thinking can be effectively combined with life and technology skills to create a meaningful and successful learning experience for all. The session will be illustrated with material taken from Pearson’s Go Getter and Focus courses.

14.10 - 14.30 Backwash Effect: Teaching and Assessment in the Constant Interplay

Do we always test what we teach and teach what we aim to assess? Unfortunately,  often there is no logical connection between the two. However, so-called 'backwash effect', i.e. close relationship and mutual influence between teaching and assessment, is one of the key success factors in modern ELT. The presentation will look at how Pearson learning materials and test instruments can help teachers and learners to achieve best results.

14.30 -15.30 Better Ingredients make Better Lessons

Today’s Recipe for the Young Learners’ Classroom: Take a class full of children, a spoonful of variety, several kilos of enthusiasm, a pinch of classroom management and Pearson’s Poptropica English Islands course. Mix thoroughly and serve immediately. To accompany, we suggest a selection of fresh practical ideas from this workshop on how to ensure success for your young learners’ classroom. Book your table now!