На десерт в дни весенних каникул преподаватели английского языка получат большую методическую встречу с методистами издательства Pearson, на которой основным докладчиком будет добрый друг наших учителей, не приезжавший в Сибирь с 2011!!! года, замечательный, харизматичный Rob Dean!
Встреча пройдёт в актовом зале СИУ РАНХиГС, где в далёком 2001 году начиналась наша история весенних школ, только назывались они Longman Spring School в Академии госслужбы)).
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Программа конференции 30 марта в Новосибирске:
12.00 регистрация
12.30 – 13.40 21st Century Skills for 21st Century Success
Gone are the days when the language classroom was nothing but grammar, often delivered in the form of a boring lecture, and followed up with dull gapfill exercises. Modern methodology now places a far greater emphasis on the present – as well as the future - needs of our learners. In this highly practical session we will look at how the ‘four Cs’ - communication and collaboration, creativity and critical thinking can be effectively combined with life and technology skills to create a meaningful and successful learning experience for all. The session will be illustrated with material taken from Pearson’s Go Getter and Focus courses.
14.10 - 14.30 Backwash Effect: Teaching and Assessment in the Constant Interplay
14.30 -15.30 Better Ingredients make Better Lessons
Today’s Recipe for the Young Learners’ Classroom: Take a class full of children, a spoonful of variety, several kilos of enthusiasm, a pinch of classroom management and Pearson’s Poptropica English Islands course. Mix thoroughly and serve immediately. To accompany, we suggest a selection of fresh practical ideas from this workshop on how to ensure success for your young learners’ classroom. Book your table now!